Business Complaint Against Granite Tile World Ted Miller Kitchen and Bathroom Granite and Tile Countertops Tacoma - Bad business practices and non-payment for services has resulted in legal action against Ted Miller and Granite Tile World. The recommendation is to not do business with Ted Miller and Granite Tile World.
Floor Covering - Carpet and Tile New And Cleaning and Restoration Directory
Tile Flooring and Backspashes - Kitchen Bathroom Countertops - Sometimes it's hard to believe that the tools and materials of tile and counter installation & production clean up so beautifully and water-tight, but they do. Darren, the owner of Tile First Installations started as an installer and feels that installation is the foundation of our business . . . and many remodeling projects. Our Installers are committed to cleanliness, punctuality and quality workmanship. We clean up, well. Equally as important, we listen to our customers wishes. We find it amazing how often in this industry we hear of other installers telling their customers how their job should be designed and installed. It's the customers home and we value that. Certainly if a customers design request is not up to industry standard and will lead to a potential failure, we will make suggestions. Give us a call - Tile First Installations Phone# - 360-878-2816. Premier Persian Rug Collection by - Genuine Imports. Genuine Savings! Free shipping & 180 Day Guarantee.
The Doman Directories
4701 North Huson, Tacoma, WA 98407
(253) 759-6639, (253) 759-8373 fax